Thursday, February 5, 2009

Called To The Office

"SEC Bylaw 10.5.1 clearly states that coaches and administrators shall refrain from directed public criticism of other member institutions, their staffs or players," SEC Commissioner Mike Slive said in a statement. "The phone call to which Coach Kiffin referred to in his public comments is not a violation of SEC or NCAA rules. We expect our coaches to have an understanding and knowledge of conference and NCAA rules."

So Kiffin thinks Meyer's a cheater, cheater pumpkin eater. Someone lied to Kiffin about his own and his team's relevance and with his newfound self-belief he's now accusing college football Overlord Urban Meyer of cheating by allegedly calling NuKeese Richardson on his cell phone. Layla's husband said he "love[s] the fact that Urban had to cheat and still didn't get [Richardson]."

Forget that calling prospects is not a violation of NCAA recruiting rules-- the same rules which Spurrier told Kiffin it would behoove him to read before violating them himself-- the real question is: Where does Kiffin get the standing to make such remarks?

Kiffin has never won a game in the SEC or any championship of any kind. The most significant thing he's done is his wife, whom he reportedly Amtrak-ed to entice recruits. The University of Tennessee's football team has lost every game they played against Urban's Gators. Tennessee's program publicly humiliated their former coach who put them on the map. And they're mountain uglies. I mean, really, you don't hear Kentucky coaches talking shit, because they know they lack the standing to do so. This is a man and team disconnected from reality.

Not for long.

Saying that you "love the fact that Meyer cheated" is on its face slander. You are stating that it was a "fact" that Meyer cheated when it is not, and you know it is not. That is an actionable claim. And I assure you, there will be action.
Well, now Kiffin is back-pedaling and has issued an apology stating that he didn't mean to offend anyone at UF, or Foley, or Meyer.

Too late, fuckboy.
It's on.

Go add another poster to the weight room bulletin board.
Go Gators.


Wall Street Gator said...

Fantastic, couldn't have said it better myself. took me a second but I got it...hahahahaha.

Who do you think went first, Nukeese or Marselis?

SenorBoobblé said...

Had no idea this happened until you informed about it last night.

Like i told you, its straight up weakness on his part. If your going to spout off like he did, then you have to stand behind it. False bravado will get you nowhere.

He should have issued a statement saying he stands behind everything he said and that CUM and the Cayman nation can kiss his ass. That my dear M would have made the deceased SenorBoobblé happy

the SHA said...

Can we get Kiffin's wife on the Gratuitous rotation?

Gomer said...

I have a heavy heart and deeply mourn the loss of our the great Buble.

WSG: I think Teague went first.