Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Lee Humphrey in Deustchland

Earlier today I was chatting with an old friend and blog follower, Philsy, when he told me that he saw Lee Humphrey playing D-1 ball in Deutschland.

Kinda sucks to see that his boys made it and he didn't, but it's cool to see Gators 'round the globe. 


Anonymous said...

Holy fuck has anyone seen the price of BCS NCG tickets! They have this thing called DIBZ, which for about $200 you can reserve a ticket in the 400 section if your team goes. If your team goes you get to buy one ticket at face value, ($200-250 for 400 section) if your team doesn't go, they get yo money. Shit!!

Anonymous said...

Holy fuck has anyone seen the price of BCS NCG tickets! They have this thing called DIBZ, which for about $200 you can reserve a ticket in the 400 section if your team goes. If your team goes you get to buy one ticket at face value, ($200-250 for 400 section) if your team doesn't go, they get yo money. Shit!!

Gomer said...

I thought they'd be priced higher.