Thursday, August 13, 2009

Don't Blink.

At 2:30, take a close look at how quickly Jeff Demps hits top gear, watch how quickly he breaks away from all the defenders. Typically one concentrates on how quickly the ball carrier is getting to the endzone. I like to look at his speed relative to the other players. I don't think I've ever seen a player break away so quickly, including Percy. In a way, Percy reminds me of Dwane Wade, moving like water through defenders, finding more gaping holes than Wall Street Gator did bouncing at Lush/Vibe (what is that place's name now/then?). Percy was and is magnificent at his first few steps in terms of speed and angle, but I think it takes Percy longer to hit his top gear, and even then, it's not as high as Demps's. I know, I'm a blasphemer.

At 2:36, it's just nasty. But keep in mind that they're playing Citadel. Still though, super chorny.

Tip of the hat to the Jewboy for the vid.

1 comment:

Caro said...

1:40-1:44 is pretty nasty too.

Go run really really fast.
Go Gators.