Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Dog Wins the Poll by Jewboy

Here is the clear winner folks.
This is a proud moment, as I credit The Salty Dog as being the first establishment I drank at when I first got to Gainesville as a young naive 18 year old. A certain friend and now district attorney (a prosecutor, who will remain nameless) would "card" us and let us taste all the flavors that flowed from an endless wall of taps. I credit "The Salty Dog" with my first Harp, Tucher, Bass, Anchor Steam, and Sierra Nevada experience. I am sure everyone at MGN has stood in "the dog", along the bar, just waiting to pounce on the first table that opened up. You would sit down with your beer and just let your sleeves stick to the tables and your shoes to the floor.
Thank you Salty Dog, for without you I would never know the pleasures of reading "I ran all the way here with all my heart, thought I had to shit but really it was a fart" when taking a piss.

Thank you for being there, for without you I would have been studying in Library West instead of watching Dupay and the Gators beat UK.

Thank you for being there during all those halftimes when you could leave the stadium, down a beer and run back into the stadium for the start of the third.

Thank you Salty Dog! Thank You!

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