Friday, November 14, 2008

Blinged Calathes

Nick Calathes Makes It Rain
"I Make It Rain!"

From now on, we here at MGN will be Blinging a new person each week, and no, blinging doesn't mean what you think it does, scumbag.

This week we go after Nick Calathes, a Florida guard who is down 6-hunnie from gambling online. Calathes told NCAA officials that he's up for the year, so he's not sweating it. And, moreover, Nick says, Dupay owes him "like a G, so if anything, I'll just get it from Ted and put, like, 400 on black."

Understood. Nick balls till he falls.
What you think of that?

Anywho, this is a call for y'all to make your own blingees. Below you'll find the simple directions on how to do one. By the middle of the week, or whenever I get around to it, MGN will select a winner.

How to make a blingee:
  1. Get an image of the person to be blinged. You can do so by doing a google image search. Click here and pick one if you're too high, dumb, or lazy to do it yourself. 
  2. Save the image to your 'puter, or copy the link.
  3. Go to
  4. Follow the 2 steps to make your blingee.
  5. Copy the link and post it as a comment on this page. 
  6. Winner gets a lock of my hair.

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