Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Is This Real Life?

At least his 'rents are building up his tolerance so he can challenge the Jota's Gainesville record-setting foreign intoxicant consumption. 2 fingers? 4 fingers? Next comes the fist, kid. You know, the piston.

Go abuse substance.
Go Gators.


Caro said...

A little Gator Jota

the SHA said...

This kid has my blessing to live in 112.

GatorRx said...

haha, typical work day

Gomer said...

Why do I feel this child was anesthetized by GatorRX?

Gomer said...

They removed the video. Guess the parents realized that placing a video of your narcotized child drooling senseless words is not such a killer idea after all.

Go parent.
Go Gators.