Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Gomer Wants Ideas.

           Gomer the Gnome is heading to Le Ville du Jackson this weekend to score some gnome peach (Gomer likes his peaches fuzzy, he's from the 70-80's school of porn) and watch his beloved Gators run roughshod over the puppies.

Gomer loves taking pictures. He's old and has been to many places. He needs ideas. And that's where you come in-- and by that I mean chime in, dirtbag. 

Gomer is requesting that his fans suggest pictures for him to take. Scenarios that his fans would like to see him in. For example: In a bathtub filled with beer and condoms, the 50 yard line, The Tebow's hands, and the like.

So please, for Gomer, drop a comment and suggest what you think Gomer should do and we'll post the pics up upon our victorious return from the cocktail party.


Ol' Bill said...

I would like to see Gomer

1.In line waiting to get into Hooters

2. At the Port-o-Potties

3. Using his pointy head on a Georga Peach

4. Floating on the St. James River

6. Crossing that big Blue bridge

Anonymous said...

I would like to see Gomer's bottom half hanging out of a Georgia girl's vajayjay.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Gomer has a whale cock?

Ol' Bill said...

The Gomer bladed more tail than any of those weak 112 bitches

Wall Street Gator said...

I want Percy to hand the football to Gnomer after the first touchdown.