It is confirmed that the Ole Ball Cock (OBC) was the prick bastard who chose Jevan Snead over the Timbow for the first team SEC team. Why this man would do this I haven't the foggiest. But I do know that on Nov. 19, his team will pay for their coach's words.
What an cockmouth. Look at Wuerffel. He doesn't hate. He praises Timbow for his on- and off-field heroics. Granted, Timbow and Wuerffel are very similar, but so is Spurrier. Timbow, Spurrier, and Wuerffel are all former Gator QB's, Heisman winners, and sons of a preacher man. But, only Timbow and Wuerffel have led the Gators to nattys as QB's. Spurrier is not in that class. He got his ring with Danny hurling the ball.
Maybe jealousy is why Spurrier is hating. He strikes me as an arrogant, jealous and rancorous guy with a player hating degree. He can't really prefer Snead to Timbow, can he? Two-time national champion to some guy from Ole Miss? I don't think so. Spurrier's smarter than that. Better? Probably not, but smarter for sure. Why he would be the only person to not vote Timbow the starter is truly inexplicable without calling it hating.
I mean, it's ridiculous the hating that ocurrs with the Timbow. Recently, the press reported that he's still a virgin. Why is this newsworthy? Why is this important? How is this anyone's business?
Israel Gutierrez, Miami Herald writer,
noted that sports journalism is looking more and more everyday like entertainment journalism. I couldn't agree more. The media, upset that Timbow offers them nothing in terms of hooker-fucking and coke-snorting, needs to harp on something and the only thing they're left with is if and who Timbow does or does not fuck. Get over it. If the guy was fucking someone, it would be an issue. If he was fucking a girl, guy, or animal, it would be an issue. If fucks no one, it's an issue. The question is why is this an issue?
How about what a good guy he is? Why is that not the issue? Why aren't there tons of stories celebrating, rather than not-so-subtly poking fun at his squareness and unhipness? Don't get me wrong, many stories do highlight Timbow's works, but many do so with a tinge or heavy helping of condescension and sarcasm. The guy is likely the most community oriented, unselfish, altruistic player in college sports. He hasn't had a single bad day on the football field (I take issue with anyone who says he had a bad game against Ole Miss, he played great save for one play. Timbow didn't play poorly, the team did), and hasn't had an off-field incident ever. Ever. Many journalists and most non-gator fans paint Timbow as a self-righteous and shameless promoter of his faith.
Both characterizations are flatly wrong. First, Timbow has never praised himself or his work in any way. Especially not in a way to curry public favor nor to compare himself to other players. And secondly, he has certainly not shoved his religion down anyone's throat. He has every right, both moral and constitutional, to celebrate his religion in any way that he sees fit. Thankfully, he doesn't celebrate it in anyway that overwhelms or distracts from our enjoyment of and his performance as a great, perhaps the greatest, college football player.
Maybe it's because he's Christian. Christianity has become rather unhip in recent time. With those crazy evangelicals speaking in tongues, handling snakes, and being President of the US, many people have developed an unfavorable view of Christianity in America. Consider that if Timbow was a Muslim and put Allah Akbar or whatever on his eyeblack, then NO ONE would say shit. Why? Because it's uncool and insensitive to rip on Muslims, at least publicly, without being called hateful and ignorant. If he was Jewish and had a star of David on his eyeblack, NO ONE would say shit (except for maybe Muslims). Why? Because it's uncool and insensitive to rip about a Jew, at least publicly, without being called an anti-Semite. I firmly believe that much of this has to do with Timbow being a Christian. In the interests of disclosure, I'm not a Christian nor do I believe in god, but I do believe in Timbow and His capacity for good. Unfortunately, I also believe in the capacity of his detractors for hatred. And as long as He's doing well, He'll be hated.
But I think He can take it. All this criticism and hatred does is validate and fuel his motivation to succeed in an honorable way, if unhip and unfucked.
Go treat another as you would like to be treated.
Go Gators.